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    Discovery and identification of a novel small molecule BCL-2 inhibitor that binds to the BH4 domain
    Authors: Jing-Yi Zhou, Rui-Rui Yang, Jie Chang, Jia Song, Zi-Sheng Fan, Ying-Hui Zhang, Cheng-Hao Lu, Hua-Liang Jiang, Ming-Yue Zheng, Su-Lin Zhang
    Journal: Acta Pharmacol Sin
    PubMed ID: 35918411
    Doi: 10.1038/s41401-022-00936-0
    Products & Services: Catalog Antibody   
    OsASHL1 and OsASHL2, two members of the COMPASS-like complex, control floral transition and plant development in rice
    Authors: Guangxin Zhao, Jingying Wang, Xi Chen, Hanjing Sha, Xin Liu, Yunfei Han, Guankai Qiu, Fantao Zhang, Jun Fang
    Journal: J Genet Genomics
    PubMed ID: 35306222
    Doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2022.02.026
    Products & Services: Catalog Antibody   
    Fine-tuning of pathogenesis-related protein 1 (PR1) activity by the melatonin biosesynthetic enzyme ASMT2 in defense response to cassava bacterial blight
    Authors: Jingru Guo, Yujing Bai, Yunxie Wei, Yabin Dong, Hongqiu Zeng, Russel J Reiter, Haitao Shi
    Journal: J Pineal Res
    PubMed ID: 34936113
    Doi: 10.1111/jpi.12784
    Fine-tuning of pathogenesis-related protein 1 (PR1) activity by the melatonin biosesynthetic enzyme ASMT2 in defense response to cassava bacterial blight
    Authors: Jingru Guo, Yujing Bai, Yunxie Wei, Yabin Dong, Hongqiu Zeng, Russel J Reiter, Haitao Shi
    Journal: J Pineal Res
    PubMed ID: 34936113
    Doi: 10.1111/jpi.12784
    Uncovering deeply conserved motif combinations in rapidly evolving noncoding sequences
    Authors: Caroline Jane Ross, Aviv Rom, Amit Spinrad, Dikla Gelbard-Solodkin, Neta Degani, Igor Ulitsky
    Journal: Genome Biol
    PubMed ID: 33430943
    Doi: 10.1186/s13059-020-02247-1
    Oryza sativa mediator subunit OsMED25 interacts with OsBZR1 to regulate brassinosteroid signaling and plant architecture in rice
    Authors: Ren Y, Tian X, Li S, Mei E, He M, Tang J, Xu M, Li X, Wang Z, Li C, Bu Q
    Journal: Journal of integrative plant biology
    PubMed ID: 31990125
    Doi: 10.1111/jipb.12914
    Products & Services: Catalog Peptides   
    Epigenetic dysregulation of Mdr1b in the blood-testis barrier contributes to dyszoospermia in mice exposed to cadmium
    Authors: Fang Y, Xiang Y, Lu X, Dong X, Zhang J, Zhong S.
    Journal: Ecotoxicol Environ Saf
    PubMed ID: 31911389
    Products & Services: Catalog Antibody   
    Regulation of CHD2 expression by the Chaserr long noncoding RNA gene is essential for viability
    Authors: Rom A, Melamed L, Gil N, Goldrich MJ, Kadir R, Golan M, Biton I, Perry RB, Ulitsky I.
    Journal: Nat Commun
    PubMed ID: 31704914
    Doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-13075-8
    Products & Services: Recombinant Proteins   
    Binge alcohol alters PNPLA3 levels in liver through epigenetic mechanism involving histone H3 acetylation
    Authors: RestrepoRicardo J, LimRobert W, KorthuisRonald J, ShuklaShivend
    Journal: Alcohol
    PubMed ID: 28433418
    Doi: 10.1016/j.alcohol.2017.01.009
    Products & Services: Recombinant Proteins   
    Lotus japonicus clathrin heavy Chain1 is associated with Rho-Like GTPase ROP6 and involved in nodule formation.
    Authors: Wang Chao,Zhu Maosheng,Duan Liujiang,Yu Haixiang,Chang Xiaojun,Li Li,Kang Heng,Feng Yong,Zhu Hui,Hong Zonglie,Zhang Zhong
    Journal: Plant Physiol.
    PubMed ID: 25717037
    Doi: 10.1104/pp.114.256107
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