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    Itm2a silencing rescues lamin A mediated inhibition of 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation.

    Adipocyte. 2017; 
    Davies Stephanie J,Ryan James,O'Connor Patrick B F,Kenny Elaine,Morris Derek,Baranov Pavel V,O'Connor Rosemary,McCarthy Tomm
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    Polyclonal Antibody Services with The DYKDDDDK tag Antibody (mAB, Mouse, A00187 – GenScript) and an ITM2A Rabbit Polyclonal Get A Quote


    Dysregulation of adipose tissue metabolism is associated with multiple metabolic disorders. One such disease, known as Dunnigan-type familial partial lipodsystrophy (FPLD2) is characterized by defective fat metabolism and storage. FPLD2 is caused by a specific subset of mutations in the LMNA gene. The mechanisms by which LMNA mutations lead to the adipose specific FPLD2 phenotype have yet to be determined in detail. We used RNA-Seq analysis to assess the effects of wild-type (WT) and mutant (R482W) lamin A on the expression profile of differentiating 3T3-L1 mouse preadipocytes and identified Itm2a as a gene that was upregulated at 36?h post differentiation induction in these cells. In this study we identify It... More


    Adipogenesis,Differentiation,Familial Partial Lipodsystrophy Dunnigan-type (FPLD2),Itm2a,Lamin A,Laminopathy,Lipodsystr